Hi there. I have some venting to do today. You all know that we are home schooling Kora. Well I have been talking to our neighbor down the street. She has been wondering how it works and such. So I have been telling her how it works and she keeps asking the same questions over and over again. Well I only have so much patience for such questions.
Well I feel sorry for her son. I have told you all about her getting custody of him back in early August again. Well anyway he's been having troubles in school and they were considering home schooling him but you have till Oct.15th to get the PI form in so I guess he's not being home schooled but he kept asking me questions and she kept countering my answers with other things like the school wont let her home school because he has special needs and such.
I think its stupid that you would do that to a child. I am sorry but if they are curious you dont counter what the person that is doing the home schooling knows when you know nothing yourself. I have learned alot from my friends here and the links thanks to Monicar.
Kora needed special education in school too but you know what now that we are home schooling her she is doing fine. Like I said yesterday its like pulling teeth sometimes but that is all kids right? I have to say she is doing loads better at home than she would be if she were in the PSS (Public School System). I enjoy learnign with her. She actually did one of her math worksheets by herself this morning without my help. I am so proud of her.
She shamed one of her friends on Sunday. We were coming home and I asked her what 9+9 was and she whipped off the answer before he could even think of the problem and he looked at her like thats not fair. LOL.. It was so funny to see the look on his face. But he's been reading for a year now so he has his strengths and Kora has hers.
Things are good though. Life seems to be back to normal or as normal as life can be with a very busy family. But I suppose I better go find something to eat or else I am going to be sorry later when Jeff comes home. We might go out for a while tonight but it depends on what time he comes home.
They had to fire one of the guys he works with because the guy was addicted to Crack Cocaine. It came back in his Urine test they do. Thankfully they never let him drive until that came back. I cant imagine the law suit they would have had if he would have gotten in an accident. Anyway he has been working up to 12 1/2 hour days to 13 hours a day. Between Monday and Tuesday he had 25 hours. Yes you read that right 25 hours in two days. Yikes huh? I just hope he doesnt wear himself down to bad doing the work he does. So life is hecktick here but we are doing what needs to be done. He comes home to a clean family and a clean house and appreciates it more than some know. Alright I am really going this time where I can go find some lunch. Talk soon to all of you. N.
I was about to comment your last post when this one came out. Your husband is really a great guy, loving his family so much that he works like hell, he should take some rest though.
Your girl is doing lovely, thanks her mum, you could be proud about that too.
Your neighbour is a stupid lady, let her talk but don't listen to her. Have a good day.
Kitem thank you. Yes she isnt very bright. That for one reason I dont let her have my blog address here. And yes Jeff works really hard and tries to keep his family happy.
Z can't learn the way they teach in school, so we've had to become our own authorities on Special Ed. We tried a LOT of things that didn't work, but recently, we've found a couple of learning styles that have worked incredibly well. We're all stoked!!
In elementary school, about all that Special Ed does is give the kids one-on-one attention. The only problem is that they don't always have the manpower to accomplish this. That's why Kora is doing so well...she has nothing but one-on-one teaching.
The biggest problem with Special Ed students in the public schools is that the school wants them all to be medicated. We refused to medicate Z, and got nothing but grief about it.
Tshsmom so true. Well said also. Yes she does get the one on one attention. And the school systems here havent even gotten them referendums in yet. They are 108 days behind. They are talking about shutting down our colleges second semester next year because of the refferendum. Its terrible. WI is the only state that doesnt have it in yet.
If you let your very slow neighbor lady have your blog address, then you wouldn't be able to vent here and that would be terrible!
Tweety, as the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Her child may be better off if she doesn't homeschool though. It doesn't sound like she's bright enough to follow the program.
Gayle more than you know she isnt very bright. I will not give her my blog. She has seen it but can never remember how to get to it thankfully. I gave her all the tips i could give her for the time being and now she had the chance to run with them but wont.so he's stuck in PSS this year. Oh well lets see how things go.
I hope he gets some time for rest!
Jay hopefully this weekend we wil rest and do nothing again.
I'm glad the homeschooling is going well for you guys so far. It seems to work out fine for special ed needs, because parents usually have more time to give their kids one-on-one than a teacher with numerous special-needs students ever could. Plus, schools really are pushy about meds for various things. One school Demi went to wanted her to be put on something when she was younger, about 9, and there wasn't actually anything wrong with her in any way.
SME that is really stupid to put kids on things when not needed. I mean they get addicted to the drug and then it ruins there amune systems. Yikes. yes Kora is doing well. We are so proud of her.
Yeah! Glad to hear the homeschooling is going well and life is moving along and treating you all well. A bubble bath after a long day might be a fun surprise for hubby. :-)
I agree. Kids really shouldn't be on psych meds unless it's absolutely necessary - a last resort, not a first line of defense! Another thing that cheeses me off are parents who do put their kids on meds, then blame the pharmaceutical company when the kids have a bad reaction that they failed to notice because they weren't paying any attention. Kids have to be observed closely 24/7 when starting out on a new medication that could have serious side effects.
Anyway, it sounds like Kora is doing wonderful! Good for her, and for you.
you do what's right for your family ..
unfortunately the neighbors son got the poopy end of the stick when he got a mom ..
VV only if he liked bubble baths it would be nice. LOL...
Sme Its terrible for what the schools try and do to children now a days.
Cynn you are so right. He did get the crappy end of the stick. And some days I feel sorry for him but he's better off with her and being able to be a child than being with his grandparents where he was living.
Question, is Jonathan the one that his mom is asking questions about home schooling? I'm asking for a reason.
in our situation, public school seems to be working well so far for grandson, but then his teacher is awesome. Montessori was going to hold him back for the 2nd time in 3rd grade, and he'd already been held back one in kindergarten. The PS moved him on into 4th grade and said they would watch him closely. Well, the 4th grade teacher says he is doing C's in math (which includes algebra) and B's in the rest of his subjects. He also participates in choir, and school sponsored piano lessons. So we're happy, he loves school now too!
I did ask the teacher if they had evaluated him, because this is going against everything the neuropsychologist said that he needs special ed, but the school won't evaluate him unless he's failing, which he's not.
I volunteer on Fridays at the school, partially because I like it and partially to keep an eye on things, and his "ADD" seems no worse than the other children there - and certainly his activity level is not nearly as jittery as some of the other kids. So far so good.
But a person has to be on top of the PS and any other school. The only place you have complete control is home school, which is not for everybody, but can also be the perfect solution for some. After tutoring grandson all summer I can really appreciate the dedication that moms who homeschool have for their children's best interests....and patience....and love......
don't let people condemn you for homeschooling - it's a brave soul who goes for it!
Gardenia no its his older brother. His older brother is 12 and has issues with alot in life. And school just isnt cutting it for it him. I know you have to be on top of things and I do agree with you I am brave for attempting this but I am not doing it alone thankfully.
We as parents believe that we cannot teach our kids. I know many parents who want to homeschool but really do not feel that they are capable of it. So they just stay with the public school. I think that a lot of people feel like there is no choice. If they can't afford private school then this is all that they are left with. It was a long process for me to end up with the decision of homeschooling and honestly it was the last thing that we considered. I felt that same thing, 'Oh - I can't do that!' that I hear from many people who ask me questions about it. I'm not sure what's up with your neighbor but she sounds like she wants to make that decision but then again doesn't want to.
Monica she doesnt want to give up her sleeping all day long and then have to deal with her 12 year old son all day long.
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