Its about me and my family. Mainly me and the girls. I may twitter or tweet alot but its mostly thoughts and going ons here at home and thoughts about what we might be doing on weekend or our adventures. Sit down and Enjoy what you are reading.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another White Out...!!!

Yuckie we went from having grass and 40 degree weather down to having another 16 inches of snow.. I am so ready for spring. I am not ready for the 90 degree days yet but something better than this crap that is blowing outside right now.. I didnt work last night but I think that is because of the weather. I dont think anyone went in last night.. and today I dont know yet. I might not work tonight either because of the weather.. Its horrible.. Just horrible out there..

jeff was delayed 4 hours today. He just left to go into work. We shoveled the driveway and cleaned the car off and it took us an hour to do it.. Got half way done and I felt like i was going to lose my breakfast.. Just yuckie out there.. I would take photo's but they would be all bleary from the blowing snow.. You can imagine what 15 inches of snow looks like. I just hate knowing we got it all in one shabang..

I havent rode my new bike since the day we got them.. MY butt has hurt to bad. The girls are down stairs playing with the computer and the toys they have down stairs..I just might give them a snow day today and hit the books harder tomorrow. No sense in trying to make them study after they have played like they are and they are being good right now..

I have ten rows of my afghan for jeff and I done. I have two of the six hearts done and the N and part of the J done. I will post photo's when I get maybe half way done with it. I have 30 rows across and 40 rows done. The squares are again 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 inches.

My furry child turned 3 March 10. I cant believe how mellow she is. She sleeps most of the day and then gets playful sometimes but she just lounges around and watches us from sleepy eyes most of the time. she has her favorite blanket in the front window and watches the kids outside. Esp during the summer time. she has tried walking out the door with me a few times lately..

Kora is struggling with her long division in math but we are taking a break from it and doing the simple fractions.. We have just started the simple adding where the dominator is the same and you add the top. Life is moving to fast here..

My grandmother on my real dads side is going completely blind and my godmother is really sick. the people I love the most are all going away slowly. I sometimes never thought i would lose those people. I dont know my grandmother that well. I have met her once over the years. My grandfather passed away before I could get to know him well enough..

My godmother is like a second mother to me. she took me in when my own mother did stupid shit.. My godmother took me in when I was 9 months old because my mom tried stealing some panties and some baby clothes and got caught with the tags hanging out of the diaper bag.. YIKES!!! So my godmother took me for a month and I have been told stories about my stay there.. I learned how to walk while with her and bottle broke while with her..

Well anyway I suppose i need to go make some more squares for my afghan. Maybe if I feel like it i will go through the girls books today and get ready to go take them to Appleton with us on Saturday to a book store that buys used books.. the girls have quite a few books that have different copies they dont need anymore.. anyway I am off. talk to you all soon. have a wonderful week/weekend and hope to catch you all in the next few days.. N..


Knock knock - it's cancer! said...

I can't wait to see pictures of the afghan, that sounds lovely :)

About the snow, yuck. I'm so with you on that one, I hate snow. The kids always love it though. Thank God I live somewhere where we (almost) never get snow. I could not imagine living anywhere else in Canada, where the winters are terrible - brrrr.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Sorry to hear about the weather and your loved ones. I'll keep them in my prayers.

Can't wait to see the afghan.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I wonder if they make some kind of better Bike Seat these days that would be more comfortable....I can imagine how hard that would be...!

To go from Grass to Snow again---No Fun! And so much Snow....Lord! I hope that all will let up soon, and you will be back to Grass and Flowers, once again---for good!!

Jeannie said...

Glad I'm not the only one to get a sore butt from riding a bike!

We have a lot more snow now too and it needs to be shoveled.

The Griper said...

expect more weather like that because we are getting rain storms out here in california and anything we get travels eastward.

VV said...

I have a HUGE cushioned seat for my bike, but I never ride it. Oh well. We got 3 1/2 inches of snow on Sunday that covered all the newly bloomed flowers and buds on the trees. It all melted by the afternoon. I can't imagine 16 inches at this time of year down here. It was a more common thing when I lived in New England.

Gardenia said...

When you said it was snowing so bad, I had to look again at the date on your blog. Sometimes I forget the rest of the country is not warm. Our nights are still cool, thank goodness.

Sounds like you may need a special seat for your bike - I never could stand the seats that bikes came with because they do hurt.

One bad thing about getting older - one goes from knowing hardly anyone that has died, to way too many. My mother is sick pretty much for the first time in her life and it is causing her to just fall apart because she's not used to it. She's convinced she is dying. And who knows, except God?

Take care. said...

hey guys I will try and get those photo's up soon and its starting to melt here. I am having problems with my e-mail associated with my blog. give me a few days

S.M. Elliott said...

Blogger tells me your blog may still be on your old account, so try logging in to that and see if you can change the email address on it. said...

hey guys i cant get into the old account. i dont have the password.. i had to change my e-mail address and password because I forgot what my new password was so i am going to stop by sometime over the next few days..

Also I am giving up my FB account so if any of you talk to me there take this new e-mail account down and contact me that way please or in my new blog.. I am fucked either way

niksmix2011 at gmail dot com

Gardenia said...

I was freaking out thinking you had all that snow, then realized it is now May - almost June and the post wss a while back, indicating that you are probably really really busy.....Just thinking of you and your family and popping in to say God Bless You. Don't know about you, but this has been a pretty rough year so far!

Gardenia said...

Lots of news in your letter! The bikes sound like so much fun - soon, soon - you can get another seat more suited to your rear - many people have to just keep on till they find a comfortable one. Have missed you! I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. I can't believe your cat is 3 now!!!!!! You sound so very busy as always! Glad you are still creating. I have slowed down so much. We are in our most wonderful part of the year down here. Came very early - I'm dreading the possibility of what the summer will bring if it is this nice now.

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