Its about me and my family. Mainly me and the girls. I may twitter or tweet alot but its mostly thoughts and going ons here at home and thoughts about what we might be doing on weekend or our adventures. Sit down and Enjoy what you are reading.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Just More Shit in The R Family Life...

Hey peeps.. I have some news. I gave up the Pizza job yesterday.. I was there for three days and she wanted speed and I just didnt have it. I went in and talked to her and she didnt even seem upset I was leaving. So it must have been for the best. I am not upset about it. I still have my full time job.. I am just hoping it stays full time for the time being. I was so tired last night and I am suprised I am not still sleeping. But I am wide awake and its only 7:08 AM. We went to bed at like 9:30PM last nigt. Well I suppose I did get like 10 hours of sleep. I will take a nap later on to stay up later tonight to go back into work at 10 tomorrow night.. It felt so good to let that pizza job go. Jeff came home yesterday and asked if I had been cleaning. He asked if I had just woke up and I said no you dont sleep to long when you only have one job to do. That is how I let him know I quit the pizza joint..

I have some things to do outside today and I am just hoping the weather lets me. I have to mow the lawn that needs it and taking the tent down today. We have used it one weekend since I put the damned thing up in the back yard.. Its raining right now so I dont know if it will get done today or tomorrow before I go back to work. Maybe I can encourage my dear sweet hubby to help me mow the lawn while I take the tent down and put it back in its carrying case. yes its one of those nice ones with the case it came in.. Just getting it to fit back in the case is the problem... I can never figure out how they had it folded in the first place.

I have some photo's to share but havent had the time to share them.. I still have photo's from the last time we were at the Wild Life Sanctuary and that has been a month already. I am way behind on blogging and spending time with my online friends. I havent even had much time for Etsy lately working the hours I was working. I just finished a blanket. Its pink, heather grey, and a blueberry pie color edging. I will have that one up in my other blog later. Maybe I should go take photo's and do that now while I am in blogger..LOL and then just post them on Etsy also.

The girls are doing great. I found a book I havent seen in ages and if any of you have some and dont want them I will take them. Just e-mail me ok. I found a Dick and Jane book at Barnes and Noble when I went and picked up the girls books last Sunday. I was on my way out of the store and in line they have a table with books and I found a hard covered D and J and Vampires Book.. I havent seen of those since I was Bri's age.. I had those books but of course my mom never saved a damned thing and we moved so much when I was small alot of things got left behind.. Things that I could have shared with my girls today that I no longer have because of my mom.

Jeff is at work and the girls are still sleeping its almost 7:30 AM.. Wow. They went to bed like ten minutes before we did.. Its amazing.. They spent sometime outside yesterday and came in and did school work and then back outside. They are growing up way to fast. OK here are some photo's. i am not going to comment on them. Just going to post them.

Ok peeps I am off to do some reading blogs and then some more house work if the girls are still sleeping and then time with my family today. Then a nap.. then work tomorrow but at least its only one job. So I can keep up..LOL.. with my daily life.. N..


S.M. Elliott said...

Sounds like things are going OK other than the crazy work schedules and whatnot, but I hope things get even better for you guys and that you and J have time for some R&R too! You're both working so hard.

There's been a lot of "Truther" drama here. Richard left the local group because it's going beyond 9/11 to deal with other issues he doesn't care about, and our friend Emily who runs the group now wasn't happy about it. I called her last night to see how she's doing and she ended up screaming at me and accusing me of things. I had no idea what she was talking about. Then she hung up on me and fired off a nasty email demanding to know why I even called her in the first place. I sent her a short email saying she'll have to sort out her issues with Richard herself. I don't need the stress and I don't have to put up with paranoia and crazy bitchmonster from hell behavior. I told Richard the same thing. If he wants to complain to someone about all the Truther drama, he'll have to find someone other than me to complain to. I wash my hands of this crap!

Vest said...

Great pics. Nice to see you are getting out and about and enjoying llfes pleasures. X.

Vest said...

Just send the bitchmonster a 'GET Well' card.

VV said...

Just take a deep breath and keep moving forward. Love the horsey pix.

tweetey30 said...

VV the white ones name is Angel and the one the girls are feeding is Fancy. This is the place where we take the girls for lessons when we have the money to take them. Or when they just want to see the horses..

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Love the Horse pictures and the ome feeding the birds, too...
I laughed out loud when you said you are still not sleeping and then said that you slept 10...!!
I laughed because I don't think I have slept 10 hours since I was a!
I'm lucky if I get 4 hours a night and that is broken up...!

Sounds like it is just as well that the Pizza place is 'over'....Your body knows!