Hi there. Here are two book reviews One I did on the book review but I have deleted that blog from my list since no one seemed interested in my books...I always at least looked at other books but ok anyway here are two books I have read and a movie review ok..
Anne Rice The Mayfair Witches..
I dont know where to start with this one as in my original review.. I liked it.. There is so much intertwining of this and that its hard to explain really.. It starts off way back in the 1600's or so and then just moves up in the years to about 1950's.. Or maybe further up.. It tells how these women get this what you call a family ghost I guess. WEll I am not going ot explain this one to much.. I liked it... I will give it a 10/10 tweets...
Anne Rice Lasher...
This one explains where the family ghost came from and what he wants... Lasher wanted to be come mortal again and needed a strong witch to do so.. So he found Rowan. Last witch in the last The Mayfair Witches... But Lasher takes Rowan and then some how Rowan gets away from Lasher and takes off back to New Orleans.
Well some how Rowan gives birth to this being.. That is what I will call it. Its not her husbands. Its this ghosts child and its suppose to meet up with him in a far away city.. but in the mean time Rowan is found in a field and taken to the hospital.
The dr says Rowan wont make it and such and everyone is up in the air about it.. so they find the next person to take over The Mayfair Family Jewels... In the mean time everyone hopes Rowan will recover and then this family ghost comes in and gives them all a shock.. It gives them a history lesson how it came to be what it is and when..
Then at the end Rowans husband comes upstairs to sit with her and Rowan is back and she wants her husband to kill this other being..Its the child she gave birth to in the field.. But its not a child like Kora or Bri.. Its a giant child.. but anyway.. I give this one a 10/10 tweets also..
Now on to the movie reveiw.. Jeff and I have a Netflix account.. I love it. We dont have to go and rent movies and say to eachother what are we renting tonight.. We can just go and put new movies on our que and go...
Anyway here is the movie review..
All Kings Men...
This one we thought was going to be an old movie way back when they had kings and queens..Not..It starts out with this guy and his cronies driving down the street or road back in 1975. And then it moves around alot and you cant really follow it..
Well the main character is a drunk and his wife leaves him finally but ends up going back to him.. He promises never to drink again but guess what he does.. And then he finds out stuff on the past judge and so forth and its just not my cup of tea. If some one else has seen this movie and enjoyed it, that is great but it wasnt one of our favorites we will be getting again..
This movie on my tweetometer only gets 3/10 tweets..
I got one before this was Dream Catcher by Steven King..
This one didnt follow the plot of the book to well. I was disappointed for it being a Steven King book/movie set.. I liked the book a whole lot better than the movie..Jeff wouldnt even watch the movie with me.. There was more action in the book than they put into the movie.
This one recieves 2/10... dont bother with the movie.. Get the book if you are interested..
I am currently reading Scarpetta by Patricia Cornwell.. I have read one of her other books and found a hard cover for 6.99 at Good will. That is the current book Iam reading. i have so many books to read and I am trying to crochet in between.. Just to keep my shop up and running..
And then we are weeding around the house. This lady that was from the church we were going to said she would do it for some money but she never came back after the first two days.. I have to give her credit. It rained two weekends and such. But she never called during the week to see about me going to get her or what nots.. Well Jeff called her Sunday and said dont bother coming back N and the girls have it..Well that is what we have been up to..
I got my dad his Fathers Day present yesterday.. I made two 8x10's and I am keeping one of them and then I made him a 5x7 of me and my younger brother.. I have that one on the computer.. So I will give that one up.. .Then I made a 5x7 of Jeff and I. We are keeping that one and I will put that one in a frame. Or just put it over a pix already in a frame that needs updating..
My mom will planning on buying me a scanner for X-mas since I have so many pix I want to scan to the computer.. I want to share with you all but cant because I cant get them on the puter..I dont have before pix of the yard right now.I think they are on the other computer we replaced.. but I will definately take after pix for you.. We want to plant some pretty flowers out side before the family gets here..
We are having Bri's 6th B-day party June 5th.. Her real B-day is June 2nd and Jeff and I are also celebrating 14 years that day.. Where has time went.. We have been in our house for four years Sept 26th.. Amazing isnt it?? Well anyway this is what I have been up to and if I am not around for a few more days I am outside weeding my garden and trying to keep the weeds out of it.. Where we can put the flowers in this weekend hopefully.. One thing at at time and then we need some more chairs for the party..
We were going to have it at our local Bay Beach Amusement park but they didnt have a shelter so we are having it at our house instead.. Anyone wanting to go ride for awhile after we eat and such can go then.. We thought it was easier to it this way.. Save the money.. Only spend a hundred dollars on the party instead of two..Yikes..that sounds like a lot of money..