Its about me and my family. Mainly me and the girls. I may twitter or tweet alot but its mostly thoughts and going ons here at home and thoughts about what we might be doing on weekend or our adventures. Sit down and Enjoy what you are reading.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Foot any My Dad Ken

Hey all. I went back to the foot dr last night. I was late because I thought I had to be there at 4:45 insttead of 4:30.. Yikes.. HUH?? Anyway the foot is healing and I can finally wear my shoes again on that foot. I hated that surgical shoe... Esp while working..Thought everyone would like an update there at least..

You all know my grandfather passed away last month before x-mas.. Well the funeral is today in Texas and my mom and Ken are down there right as I type this.. But I got ahold of Ken's son and they are going to meet up at the funeral today and meet after all these years... Ken has wanted to find the kids for years and just never knew how to go about doing it..

I am glad i could give Kendal a heads up on him meeting Ken after all these years. I was told by Kendal that my mom and Ken would have to go just miles away from his house to go back to MN anyway.. The way life goes.. I am happy.. I was jealous at first when I first found out that Ken had found his children. I thought I wasnt going to be loved as much as he might love his own two children.

I was wrong there. I was being stupid but I grew up with the man. But to be honest I always knew there was an empty space there too..Just like Stuart says on Stuart Little..He has an empty space.. LOL.. Getting bad when I am quoting quotes out of kids movies...LOL..

Well I have to go to the Post Office today and then I have to go to work.. I will talk to you all either later tonight or in the next few days..Talk soon. N..


S.M. Elliott said...

Yay, you get to wear normal shoes again! Glad you're on the mend.

That's very cool about the reunion for Ken. I hope it goes well for him.

Don't worry about quoting kids' movies, I do that all the time. For ages I would say "Mine! Mine!" every time I saw a seagull, like in Finding Nemo.

Jeannie said...

Great to be getting back to normal.

tshsmom said...

SME, you still say "Mine, Mine!"...we all do. ;p

It's great that Ken is getting re-acquainted with his kids. Life's too short to be alienated from family.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Glad your foot is healing so well that you can wear regular shoes!
Nice to read that Ken & Kendal will be reuniting....

BTW: I have a lot of pictures too, that I haven't a clue as to who they are and the pictures are very very old---so, no one is left who might even have a clue. It is really too bad, isn't it?

VV said...

Glad your foot has healed and you're at peace with your father's other kids.

Willy said...

Reunions are neat sometimes.

10-4 Willy