Yuckie we went from having grass and 40 degree weather down to having another 16 inches of snow.. I am so ready for spring. I am not ready for the 90 degree days yet but something better than this crap that is blowing outside right now.. I didnt work last night but I think that is because of the weather. I dont think anyone went in last night.. and today I dont know yet. I might not work tonight either because of the weather.. Its horrible.. Just horrible out there..
jeff was delayed 4 hours today. He just left to go into work. We shoveled the driveway and cleaned the car off and it took us an hour to do it.. Got half way done and I felt like i was going to lose my breakfast.. Just yuckie out there.. I would take photo's but they would be all bleary from the blowing snow.. You can imagine what 15 inches of snow looks like. I just hate knowing we got it all in one shabang..
I havent rode my new bike since the day we got them.. MY butt has hurt to bad. The girls are down stairs playing with the computer and the toys they have down stairs..I just might give them a snow day today and hit the books harder tomorrow. No sense in trying to make them study after they have played like they are and they are being good right now..
I have ten rows of my afghan for jeff and I done. I have two of the six hearts done and the N and part of the J done. I will post photo's when I get maybe half way done with it. I have 30 rows across and 40 rows done. The squares are again 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 inches.
My furry child turned 3 March 10. I cant believe how mellow she is. She sleeps most of the day and then gets playful sometimes but she just lounges around and watches us from sleepy eyes most of the time. she has her favorite blanket in the front window and watches the kids outside. Esp during the summer time. she has tried walking out the door with me a few times lately..
Kora is struggling with her long division in math but we are taking a break from it and doing the simple fractions.. We have just started the simple adding where the dominator is the same and you add the top. Life is moving to fast here..
My grandmother on my real dads side is going completely blind and my godmother is really sick. the people I love the most are all going away slowly. I sometimes never thought i would lose those people. I dont know my grandmother that well. I have met her once over the years. My grandfather passed away before I could get to know him well enough..
My godmother is like a second mother to me. she took me in when my own mother did stupid shit.. My godmother took me in when I was 9 months old because my mom tried stealing some panties and some baby clothes and got caught with the tags hanging out of the diaper bag.. YIKES!!! So my godmother took me for a month and I have been told stories about my stay there.. I learned how to walk while with her and bottle broke while with her..
Well anyway I suppose i need to go make some more squares for my afghan. Maybe if I feel like it i will go through the girls books today and get ready to go take them to Appleton with us on Saturday to a book store that buys used books.. the girls have quite a few books that have different copies they dont need anymore.. anyway I am off. talk to you all soon. have a wonderful week/weekend and hope to catch you all in the next few days.. N..
NBR's Spot
Its about me and my family. Mainly me and the girls. I may twitter or tweet alot but its mostly thoughts and going ons here at home and thoughts about what we might be doing on weekend or our adventures. Sit down and Enjoy what you are reading.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
New Bikes
Hi All... Jeff and I got a new bike each today from Wally World... We took Bri with us and Kora stayed home.. We each got a Mongoose 21 speed seat suspension bike for 129.00 each.. Mine is white and pink and his is black and red.. We are going to try and save on some gas money when we both get used to riding bikes again..
Neither one of us has been on a bike since Kora was about a year old.. Its been a while.. And I am paying for it. It just shows how out of shape I am. We rode home from Wally World and then decided to go to the the grocery store after the girls went to bed.. Sure I am still having a hard time breathing 45 minutes later after coming home and relaxing.. YIKES!!
But if I remember I will take photo's of them tomorrow and edit this post with pix of them. I need the excercise so I am so looking forward to doing this.. The only problem I see is that I work 10 miles from home and that is 20 miles a day.. and Jeff only works 2.5 miles from home so he has it easier. but at least with him taking the bike we are saving what he's not spending on gas..and also if us girls want to go to the mall we can do it a little quicker now than walking.
the girls are so looking forward to going out for bike rides with us. I have been looking forward to this day for a long time. I miss riding bikes for miles at a time. i bet I will be able to ride my bike to work soon but not right now. Need to get my butt adjusted to riding again and my breathing.. Its still chilly outside so that didnt help any either..
Anyway I suppose I need to go warm up and see about a snack. i am a little bit hungry after that little jaunt.. Talk to you all soon.. I will try to make rounds tomorrow sometime before work.. Miss you all terribly. I know some of you have either quit blogging or just slowed down but those that have quit I miss you terribly. Those that have slowed down I keep going back for a new post. Take care and have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
Neither one of us has been on a bike since Kora was about a year old.. Its been a while.. And I am paying for it. It just shows how out of shape I am. We rode home from Wally World and then decided to go to the the grocery store after the girls went to bed.. Sure I am still having a hard time breathing 45 minutes later after coming home and relaxing.. YIKES!!
But if I remember I will take photo's of them tomorrow and edit this post with pix of them. I need the excercise so I am so looking forward to doing this.. The only problem I see is that I work 10 miles from home and that is 20 miles a day.. and Jeff only works 2.5 miles from home so he has it easier. but at least with him taking the bike we are saving what he's not spending on gas..and also if us girls want to go to the mall we can do it a little quicker now than walking.
the girls are so looking forward to going out for bike rides with us. I have been looking forward to this day for a long time. I miss riding bikes for miles at a time. i bet I will be able to ride my bike to work soon but not right now. Need to get my butt adjusted to riding again and my breathing.. Its still chilly outside so that didnt help any either..
Anyway I suppose I need to go warm up and see about a snack. i am a little bit hungry after that little jaunt.. Talk to you all soon.. I will try to make rounds tomorrow sometime before work.. Miss you all terribly. I know some of you have either quit blogging or just slowed down but those that have quit I miss you terribly. Those that have slowed down I keep going back for a new post. Take care and have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Circu part 3
Here is whats left that turned out. I cant edit my other photo's for some reason unless I do them under paint and that takes awhile.. So I will leave you with this part three of the circus and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did going.. I know some people really believe they torture the animals and I am sorry that we go watch something so horrendous but its not just the animals that people go to see like us. I love the entertainment.. I really do.. I love watching all those pretty young things be able to get up in the air and be able to do there stunts. I know I would never be able to do it. I am deathly afraid of heights.. OK peeps i have been up for half an hour and i need some food.. I will be back later or tomorrow.. talk soon. Have a wonderful few days if I dont get back here soon..

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Circus part two

The red head behind bri was our guest. she was here for four days and it was fun having her here.. There is a story behind her and maybe some time I will tell it but for now I am going to leave it hanging..

Ok going to make this into at least four parts because I dont want to upload more photo's right now and the dang cat isnt letting near the puter to easily. she is laying right in front of the keyboard.. with her head on my hands.. she doesnt want me to type right now.. the lil shit.. lol.. but i do love her..
she turned 3 years old on Thursday.. The tenth.. She is my furry baby. i love her dearly. she is so spoiled and she knows it.. Anyway I need to get going. I will talk to you all soon. try and make rounds tomorrow if I have any computer time. It has felt nice having Jeff at home this week.. I have missed him dearly.
Working 3rd shift takes alot out of me and my family but I try. that is all I can do.. Take care and hugs my friends..
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Hi there.. We went to the Circus Sunday as I had told you about in the previous post.. Well here are some photo's to share.. We got front row tickets this year so I didnt have to climb the stairs to get to the seats and be scared shitless up in the bleachers like I normally am because I hate heights..LOL..Yes I am a big wuss when it comes to heights..Anyway here comes the fun. Sit back and enjoy and I will do these in parts because there are so many photo's this time around that actually turned out because we were sitting closer this year

There is no way you would get me up there to do these tricks.. NO WAY!!!!YIKES!!!!

More to come but here is the tease.. I know how some people feel about Circus's but it not just about the animals for me. Its the performers. I mean i love watching how big the elephants are.. I love watching the tigers.. We were walking into the Circus and of course you have the people who boycot the circus each year and they were handing out coloring books. they tried giving the girls each one and Jeff being who he is told them to shove there coloring books up there asses. He said his children didnt need to have one of there anti coloring books..
The lives in the R family.. We go so many places and do so many things.. I still havent contacted the bank yet hoping my card would turn up over the week. I will call on Monday if it doesnt. I really feel stupid and know it happens but I should have put it back in my purse when I was done with it.. Oh well it happens.. I am really tired today..
Our company leaves tomorrow.. Jeff has to bring her back to Milwaukee and I have to work tomorrow night.. I might hav to ride the bus tomorrow night.. I really dont want to ride the bus.. I havent had to ride the bus since we got our first car and I know its there for if we need it but I am just spoiled of getting in the car and going. I hate not having two cars anymore..
Anyway this is one post of a few more to come. I wont bore you with this unless those of you who either have never been to one or like them i will post lots of photo's.. I have two video's too but for some reason blogger wont upload them so i am not sure i will get them loaded anytime soon..

There is no way you would get me up there to do these tricks.. NO WAY!!!!YIKES!!!!

More to come but here is the tease.. I know how some people feel about Circus's but it not just about the animals for me. Its the performers. I mean i love watching how big the elephants are.. I love watching the tigers.. We were walking into the Circus and of course you have the people who boycot the circus each year and they were handing out coloring books. they tried giving the girls each one and Jeff being who he is told them to shove there coloring books up there asses. He said his children didnt need to have one of there anti coloring books..
The lives in the R family.. We go so many places and do so many things.. I still havent contacted the bank yet hoping my card would turn up over the week. I will call on Monday if it doesnt. I really feel stupid and know it happens but I should have put it back in my purse when I was done with it.. Oh well it happens.. I am really tired today..
Our company leaves tomorrow.. Jeff has to bring her back to Milwaukee and I have to work tomorrow night.. I might hav to ride the bus tomorrow night.. I really dont want to ride the bus.. I havent had to ride the bus since we got our first car and I know its there for if we need it but I am just spoiled of getting in the car and going. I hate not having two cars anymore..
Anyway this is one post of a few more to come. I wont bore you with this unless those of you who either have never been to one or like them i will post lots of photo's.. I have two video's too but for some reason blogger wont upload them so i am not sure i will get them loaded anytime soon..
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
I Am in DEEP SHIT....
Hi there.. I just realized I think I threw my check card away but the bag i thought it was in isnt in the garage now. It must have went out this last week and we take our trash out tomorrow again for Thursday..I am in some deep shit with hubby when he comes home.. He went to the school to get some information on going back himself.
I cant believe how much shit I am going to be in when he comes home. He wasnt happy when I told him I think I accidently threw it away.. I will have to call the bank tomorrow and cancel out the cards we have and get new ones.. YIKES.. It sucks but it has to be done. I cant believe I did that.
My credit card and drivers liscense are sitting on the desk also. I am not sure how my DL got on the desk. I am not even sure how my Credit card got put on the desk.. I keep most everything in my purse.. But I know I am some deep shit with hubby.. He depends on that card while hes working esp if he needs some cash for small things while hes on the road driving..
When I am going to learn.. Also I hear we only have one weeks worth of work behind the machine i am helping on unless the material they have isnt all the material they are getting.. I am hoping they get more material. I havent told hubby this yet. I want to make sure this is true first before i make him jump through hoops. I sometimes hate working as a temp but finding a real job as a lady i work with said just doesnt pay what i make 40 hours a week as a temp when i have work.
There is nothing here that pays 9.50 an hour 40 hours a week and you get to sit on your butt most of the night.. So I am not complaining. Just wishing the hours were little more steady is all. not this sperodic crap they seem to have.. Hoping by Monday they will have at least the mcahine i am on full of work for another week or two.. that will bring us into the middle of march and then they will really pick back up..
Well i suppose i need to get going. Talk to you all soon.. Have a wonderful week my friends.. N..
I cant believe how much shit I am going to be in when he comes home. He wasnt happy when I told him I think I accidently threw it away.. I will have to call the bank tomorrow and cancel out the cards we have and get new ones.. YIKES.. It sucks but it has to be done. I cant believe I did that.
My credit card and drivers liscense are sitting on the desk also. I am not sure how my DL got on the desk. I am not even sure how my Credit card got put on the desk.. I keep most everything in my purse.. But I know I am some deep shit with hubby.. He depends on that card while hes working esp if he needs some cash for small things while hes on the road driving..
When I am going to learn.. Also I hear we only have one weeks worth of work behind the machine i am helping on unless the material they have isnt all the material they are getting.. I am hoping they get more material. I havent told hubby this yet. I want to make sure this is true first before i make him jump through hoops. I sometimes hate working as a temp but finding a real job as a lady i work with said just doesnt pay what i make 40 hours a week as a temp when i have work.
There is nothing here that pays 9.50 an hour 40 hours a week and you get to sit on your butt most of the night.. So I am not complaining. Just wishing the hours were little more steady is all. not this sperodic crap they seem to have.. Hoping by Monday they will have at least the mcahine i am on full of work for another week or two.. that will bring us into the middle of march and then they will really pick back up..
Well i suppose i need to get going. Talk to you all soon.. Have a wonderful week my friends.. N..
Sunday, February 27, 2011
next week...
Hi all. I know I havent posted much this week and next week my free time is going to be even more cramped. We are having a friend come stay with us for a few days and I am working for the time being.. So most of the time while she is here i am sleeping.. Yikes.. but she likes to visit with Jeff anyway and the girls.. So its not as bad as everyone thinks..
We went out his mothers house yesterday afternoon and gave Shari her blankey and she fell fast in love with it.. She barely put it down to get dinner when it was done..LOL.. I am happy she liked it.. Its in the bottom post from this one if you havent seen it yet.. Its the purple one.
I am sorry I didnt get any photo's of the recipiant and her blanket. His mother made chicken and dumplings..they were pretty good.. I need to replace my crock pot because the lid broke and they dont make the lid for my model anymore. I have had mine for 15 years now. I dont use it that often so it lasted me a long time. I hear people burning them out in a few monhths.. lol... So I need to go get dinner made and lunches since I have to work tonight. I will be around this week until Friday.
Sunday we are taking our friend and the girls to the Circus. We have reserved seating this year so I am hoping I get clearer photo's of my favorite acts. Usually we are up in the bleachers and my photo's come out all grainy and just not what I want.
so I am out of here and I will try to post a few more times before Friday and then Saturday we go get our friend from the Milwaukee Airport. She was trying to save a few dollars and we decided we could pick her up there.. So off I go. Talk soon. Hugs to you all. N..
We went out his mothers house yesterday afternoon and gave Shari her blankey and she fell fast in love with it.. She barely put it down to get dinner when it was done..LOL.. I am happy she liked it.. Its in the bottom post from this one if you havent seen it yet.. Its the purple one.
I am sorry I didnt get any photo's of the recipiant and her blanket. His mother made chicken and dumplings..they were pretty good.. I need to replace my crock pot because the lid broke and they dont make the lid for my model anymore. I have had mine for 15 years now. I dont use it that often so it lasted me a long time. I hear people burning them out in a few monhths.. lol... So I need to go get dinner made and lunches since I have to work tonight. I will be around this week until Friday.
Sunday we are taking our friend and the girls to the Circus. We have reserved seating this year so I am hoping I get clearer photo's of my favorite acts. Usually we are up in the bleachers and my photo's come out all grainy and just not what I want.
so I am out of here and I will try to post a few more times before Friday and then Saturday we go get our friend from the Milwaukee Airport. She was trying to save a few dollars and we decided we could pick her up there.. So off I go. Talk soon. Hugs to you all. N..
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