Its about me and my family. Mainly me and the girls. I may twitter or tweet alot but its mostly thoughts and going ons here at home and thoughts about what we might be doing on weekend or our adventures. Sit down and Enjoy what you are reading.

Monday, June 30, 2008

I know whats WRONG...

I cant even get into my hotmail account right now. I have tried my password several times now and cant even get in. I know whats wrong and I fell for it.. I have had that account for over a year now and have never had this happen. I got an e-mail saying that hotmail needed my login, password and date or birth for me to keep my hotmail account open. I am sorry for any incoviences it is. I bet this is what happened. I bet someone got my name and such from that. I am so sorry.

No I am not in Malaysia. I cant even afford to go to the store right now.. LOL> Only kidding about the store. But no I dont have the money to go on trips right now. Oh boy how stupid was I. I am going to change my e-mail and password later today when there site comes back up to change things ok. I need to know how to delete the old first though.I am not real good with that stuff. If anyone has suggestions please let me know.

It was really stupid of me to do that and I shouldnt have taken it seriously. It said we had two weeks from the time of the letter or else or our accounts were going to be closed down. WEll anyway I will have an update on our weekend later.I am tired and want to go back to bed for a while... Talk soon. N..

Alright this is what we are going to do as FRIENDS. I cant even get into my hotmail account to get to your e-mail addresses right now. For some reason its still not taking my password. So what I am going to do is give you all my my gmail account. I wasnt using that one for anything besides my myspace and facebook messages but now I guess I have to use it for other things. So here we go. Its nbrtweety at gmail dot com. Please take the hotmail off and sorry for the trouble people. I wasnt thinking and it was in the form of the official hotmail site too. I mean it had the hotmail page look and everything so I thought it was safe. I am so sorry. Well hope this is better. Let me know how to delete the old account though if you do know.


Cynnie said...

I just figured your new job was in Spam ..:)

its okay Tweets..

* (asterisk) said...

Oh, man, what a drag, Tweetey.

Y'know, you probably won't ever be able to get into that old account to delete it, cos as soon as they got your password from you, they will have changed it to something different. All you can do is let everyone know that it's been hacked and not to pay any heed to it anymore, I think.

Tough break. But glad to know you're not stuck in Malaysia!

tweetey30 said...

Cynnie I am not doing spam either.. I am not involved with any of this. I hope it passes soon.

Asterisk Thanks for understanding and I have left a message with everyone but still missing some e-mails.

Notta Wallflower said...

Tweety - it's no problem. I've never been able to delete an email account. They just go "inactive" after a certain amount of time. I think the best thing to do is to start a new email account. I have a gmail account through google, which I've never gotten one single spam from. That is my email that I only give out to family and close friends. I never give out my gmail to online sites or anything like that. Then I have a hotmail account for junk. That's the one I use for online ordering and stuff like that. It sucks that people have to do this in order to avoid junk mail, but this system works best for me. :-) Hope this helps. No worries about the email - I figured it wasn't you.

tweetey30 said...

Notta Thanks. Some people would though. I have been having a hard time finding a job and I just didnt want my friends thinking I was sinking so low as to try and get money from them that way. That isnt my way of doing things.

The Griper said...

you don't delete hotmail, tweety, it will expire after a couple of months of non-use. just create a new hotmail addy. and notta wallflower gave good advice. get a hotmail addy to use online and one to use for friends. i do that also.

Gayle said...

I got one of those e-mails just this morning Tweety, that was supposedly from you. I knew better and deleted it. I knew you wouldn't be in Malasia! LOL!

I use Yahoo Mail and received the same type of spam letter. I knew it wasn't Yahoo because a Mail server will never ask you for your private information in an e-mail. Now that you know that, I know you'll never fall for that one again. There are some terrible people out there.

tweetey30 said...

Griper I got a gmail account because one of my blog friends had her blog set as private a while back and that is which one i am using now.

Gayle if you would like to readd the Gmail account you are more than welcome to. And no I will never fall for that one again.

Gardenia said...

I don't know how to delete accounts - I guess just stop using them. How frustrating these things are! Some people who would be better spent inventing things instead of robbing people are pretty good at catching people off guard. I've had several "phishing" emails - they were posing as accounts of mine - but when they want too much info - I really check it out carefully. Well - I hope you get straightened out - and aren't too frustrated. At the least we all thought you were on a really cool vacation....just kidding!

tshsmom said...

Now we all know how the phish get their email addresses! ;)

This was a good lesson to learn, that didn't cost you anything.

You didn't use your real name, address, and birthday to register on Hotmail, did you?

tweetey30 said...

I dont think so. SME set up the Account for me so I dont know what she used exactly.

Unknown said...

You should still be able to reset your password. Under where you enter your PW, there's a link that says, "Forgot your Password?" Enter your hotmail email address and fill out the captcha. It will ask you if you want to "Use my location information and secret answer to verify my identity?" or have it sent to an email address. You should probably pick the first one and fill out your personal information. There's a chance that whoever hacked your account has already changed that info, but at least give it a try. If it sill doesn't work, go to this link: and report that someone is using your account. In fact, you should still report that someone is using your account, even if you do get into it with a password reset.

Unknown said...

Just saw the new comments, if SME set it up, she'll probably have to try to reset your password since she knows the personal information she put in.

Bridget Jones said...

a pox on whoever that was that hacked into your account (or phished it or whatever they did). May their keyboards explode!

Grizzly Mama said...

That's terrible! I'm so sorry this happened to you. Have you tried contacting the help desk at hotmail? I've never had to deal with them, so I don't know how responsive they are.

I've actually received emails with bank logos on them, mortgage company, they look just like the real thing - like it's from that company. On one of them they mis-spelled a very common word.

I have a different email for the blog, too.

Take care and have a wonderful 4th of July!!

That girl said...

Well at least I know that it was a good thing that you opened that gmail account on my behalf, hehe.

sorry to hear about all your trouble. glad to know your new email address now.