Its about me and my family. Mainly me and the girls. I may twitter or tweet alot but its mostly thoughts and going ons here at home and thoughts about what we might be doing on weekend or our adventures. Sit down and Enjoy what you are reading.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Lots going on here....

Oh boy where to start really... I dont know where to start today. Jeff is fed up with Pomp's Tire. They had a meeting this morning and he was made out to be the bad guy again. They have two guys that think they can leave right at 5 PM and not be reprimanded and such but then Jeff isnt doing his job right or he isnt doing it fast enough... This one guy is a real prick. I wish i was bigger as a woman where i could put him in his place..

On the other hand Jeff could have another job with his record from Pomp's Tire. He rarely misses work. He even goes in when he's sick. What does that tell you about him people?? Not to be answered but you get the drift. I feel so sorry for him being abused in so many ways from this place. Its not worth the money. I mean they just hired some guy about four months ago and the guy got 10.00 an hour starting and Jeff is just starting to make that after 7 long hell shitted years with this company. I think it sucks donkey dick. Sorry for the foul language today. I am upset with this company.

I am going back to work myself. I found a 3rd shift cleaning position as I told you all yesterday in my update. Its only 3 hours a night but it pays 9.00 dollars and hour and then 10.00 dollars on weekends. I have to work every other weekend. That is fine with me. I am home by 3 and get to sleep till about ten and then up again and have time to school the girls and then we eat and do running if need be and then home to mak dinner and rest for bit and back off to work. this is going to work for us. I just hope Jeff can find some place now. I dont want him staying where he's not respected with the work habits he has. It bullshit to be doing what he does and then not have the damned respect.

Life is taking a twist on us but we will manage as we always have. Pomp's was a stepping stone for us to be a family as we are for the time being. It has kept us above water in many ways. it has gotten us our house and gave us income to support our beautiful girls. Now its time to move on to somewhere, where he can advance and be happy.

I wont be taking the first shift job as I had mentioned taking both yesterday in my update. The lady i was suppose to inteview for the babysitting job never showed up.She called me at 8:30 last night and asked if she could come over today and I said no way. I needed to know by this morning if i was going to take the job or not and she messed up. She is a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant). She said her hours are never the same and I just couldnt rely on that again. i am sorry. but its my time to be picky. But this works with Jeff for now and lets see what happens with Pomps.

The girls are good and they wont even realize mom's gone because i will have time to put them to bed and will be home before they are even awake. We have promised Kora 5 dollars a week for being good while I sleep till ten. She is such a good girl. wish many of you could meet her sometime or some day.

Well my schedule has gotten off the beaten path since I have decided to go back to work so I am going to go and start my laudry. The last thing i need to do this week. I caught up with everything else. I even shampooed our livingroom on Tuesday. So I have loads of energy... Take care my friends and I will catch you later.


by Danie said...

It's difficult to get into your blog, there is something wrong there.
I am sorry for Jeff, maybe it's time now for him to look for another job he will feel more confortable with. I am sure you'll be able to handle this third nignt shift well, and you won't need Laura anymore, great, congratulation on your new job.

Jeannie said...

I hope the new job works out for you - the hours sound as perfect as you could get - Jeff won't lose sleep and you won't have to pay a sitter. And it really is too bad that Jeff has become the scapegoat at work. Maybe he should look elsewhere. Who knows?

JR said...

I agree, he shouldn't stay where he's not respected. It will never get better, only worse. Glad you found a job that will work with yours and the girls' schedules. That's tough, I've been there. These hard times will pass. They'll add to your character though. Good luck.

Gardenia said...

Well, it seems things are working now to enable you to work with the least family disruption and expense. I sure hope Jeff will be able to find something that will let him shine and compensate him well for his efforts. Wow, life is just a set of continuing challenges, isn't it? Yet, I see you guys climbing up...and up...and both of you certainly have a lot of perseverance!

Bridget Jones said...

Here's hoping that the new job turns out. It sure sounds like a good start.

Fooey on those idiots Jeff is working with. I hope that he can get out of there to something better. I agree with kitem, he should look around. He doesn't deserve to be in that place.

Sorry the babysitter turned out to be unreliable, but it's a good thing that you found out ahead of time.

This has been a good year for you, and I hope it keeps getting better!!

Grizzly Mama said...

Hi Lady. Sorry I've had spotty attendance here at your place - - and mine for that matter.

The night shift deal for me works out better than anything we've tried. I've been there with babysitters who were unreliable and I've seen many mothers go through hell with childcare even if their kids are in school. We may be exhausted, but we will get the job done.

I hope that Jeff leaves Pomps and finds a better place. He deserves better.

Ca... said...

Sorry to hear about Jeff's trouble at work. Sometimes a different job can be an acceptable alternative, but a bit scary thinking about it. People sometimes get too used to things. Good luck.

S.M. Elliott said...

I hope J can find something better, but it might be tough. I don't mean to sound sexist, but in workplaces filled with men there always tend to be problems - oneupmanship and bullying and such - stuff that just wouldn't fly in an office setting, for example. I know because Richard works in a pressroom full of guys and it gets pretty nasty. Management EXPECTS pressmen to be nasty and unfair to each other, so they just let it go on and they take part in it themselves sometimes, too. I'm not saying all-female workplaces can't be bad (they soooo can!), but it just seems to be a particular problem with men, trying to make each other look small on the job.